Frames from Roma & Firenze

it’s been a bit…

Things have been super busy around here. January was a tough month, but we did manage to squeeze in a few weekend tripsโ€”one to Rome for the new year and one to Florence. We got super lucky with the weather on both trips. Both cities were, as one could expect, amazing. We spent most of our time exploring on foot, during which I snapped off these photos with my Lumix. We didn’t get to spend enough time in either place, but some time was certainly better than none. Dang…walking around with a camera and no plan just never gets old. I could seriously just go out a do it every day. There’s always something new to find. It’ll have to be a quick post for today, but I wanted to share and keep momentum going here. Plus these photos have been mocking me every time I see the folder on my desktop. Now they are free I suppose. I’m currently navigating a major schedule adjustment due to a new job (I’ll probably write more about that in another post) and am still trying to find schedule equilibrium, but I am committed! This short paragraph is a small step in the right direction towards balanceโ€”and we’ll end there for today. Ci vediamo.

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