⬆︎ Minolta SRT 201 / Fresh Fuji 400 (📸 of me in the final image by Amanda)

⬆︎ Canon EOS 650 shot on expired Kodak Gold 200

⬆︎ AGFA Silette II shot on expired Kodak Gold 200
old film + old cameras = new fun
I’ve been sitting on three rolls of unprocessed 35mm film for hot minute, but I finally got the chance to have it all processed. One roll was fresh Fuji 400 shot with my trusty Minolta SRT 201. The other two were expired Kodak Gold 200 shot with two new thrift store finds—an Agfa Silette II from the 1960’s (basically a toy camera) and a much newer Canon EOS 650. The Canon came with a bag that had two rolls of Kodak film that was at least 20 years old—probably older—the bag smelled older at least! The images are from recent trips to Valencia, Spain (we loved it there) and Venice, Italy. I was pleased with the results from all three rolls—in particular the dreamy quality of the expired film. Shooting 35mm is just flat-out fun and the tactility is so satisfying. Hope you enjoy the images. Also, just a shoutout to Camerapedia. I stumbled upon it linking in this post and it’s awesome! Alla prossima 👋